
django-cms 3.0rc2をUbuntu 12.04にインストール

django-cmsをubuntu 12.04にインストールするメモです。
インストール中に質問される「django CMS version」で「rc」を選択しないとインストールに失敗します。
$sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv libpq-dev python-dev libjpeg-dev libpng12-dev
$virtualenv pyenv
$source ./pyenv/bin/activate
$pip install djangocms-installer
$mkdir project_name
$cd project_name
$djangocms -p . project_name

Database configuration (in URL format) [default sqlite://locahost/project.db]:[Enter]
django CMS version (choices: 2.4, stable, rc, develop) [default stable]: rc
Django version (choices: 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, stable) [default 1.5]: 1.6
Activate Django I18N / L10N setting (choices: yes, no) [default yes]:[Enter]
Install and configure reversion support (choices: yes, no) [default yes]:[Enter]
Languages to enable. Option can be provided multiple times, or as a comma separated list: en,ja
Optional default time zone [default America/Chicago]: UTC
Activate Django timezone support (choices: yes, no) [default yes]:[Enter]
Activate CMS permission management (choices: yes, no) [default yes]:[Enter]
Use Twitter Bootstrap Theme (choices: yes, no) [default no]:[Enter]
Load a starting page with examples after installation (choices: yes, no) [default no]:[Enter]



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